Saturday, September 4, 2010

My daughter

I think she finally did it. She has given up paci's. We will see if it sticks, but the "paci fairy" came and left a pool for the kids to play in. My daughter did ask for a paci when we came in the house for lunch as she crawled up on the couch and under a blanket to get warm, but when I told her to remember that the paci fairy came and took them, she seemed ok with that.
I ran 5 miles this am. I ran to my boss's house and back. The last 4 miles were very tough, but I did it. I got through it. I had a stitch in my right side and some female issues going on, but I got through it. I kept telling myself it was a choice, and I choose to keep running....I hit 141.1 this am. So freaking frustrating. I would just like to see 140 point something. It would give me such a boost. Well, not as big of a boost as seeing 139 even if it is 139.9, but still. 140 point anything would be great. I always gain a pound or two over the weekend (and then work it off and then a few ounces over the week) so I doubt I will see it tomorrow. I am still trying to be REALLY careful today just in case I might see it tomorrow. I just always eat so much better during the week. Maybe if I run 5 miles again not think that will happen, but then again, I did not expect to run to my boss's house and back this am. I just got it in my head this am and it stuck.
My daughter is amazing. I know that I say that all of the time, but it is true. She is beautiful and brilliant. I hope the beauty sticks. The brilliance will. She definitely got the best of the brains of my husband and I. I forget she is two sometimes. I know people see my kids together and think that I had them back to back. They are 22 months apart in reality. My son is large too, but not like she is. I tell them that one day I will be the smallest person in the family depsite being 5 ft 7 inches tall. I believe that is true. Both kids will grow larger than I am one day. My son for sure, but I believe my daughter will too. She is a large two year old. My son is a large 4 year old too.

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