Friday, September 17, 2010

Mad at myself.

I am mad at myself for having runner's knee. It is so frustrating not being able to run. I am resting it and heating and icing it. I plan to walk tomorrow and hopefully work back to running next weekend. Keeping my fingers, toes, legs, arms, etc crossed. I miss it, but at least I feel like I can at least go back to the gym and do things like the elliptical next week. I need to lose another 14 pounds. One thing for sure---I will never take for granted my body and what it is able to do. It is amazing so I need to take care of myself and it. I am definitely doing a half marathon next year. I am planning on doing the one in August, but if I can find one close before then, I am there. I am definitely running the 10k in Ashland. It is a few weeks later next year. I am looking forward to it already! I just hope and pray that my knee will heal fully with no more issues. I plan to take very good care of myself going forward, trust me.
I made the appointment with the plastic surgeon for the consultation on the breast implants. I am thinking maybe doing it this time next year. Jon will need to take off a few days with me. That needs to be carefully planned and I would really like his mom to come stay here with us to help with the kids. We will see how all of it works out. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I think that the cost is going to be too much for us, but we will see! I just want to look better in that realm.

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