Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Can I do it?

I finally made it back to the gym today. It felt great to work out. I used the row machine a little too which was different. All in all, I did a 65 minute work out. I felt great. My knew was a little tight after. I heated it and will heat it some more tonight. I still do not think it is a good idea to run for another week or two. I will rest it a little more. I am still getting a good workout in the meantime and taking my daughter for a walk on the weekends is quite a workout as it is. She weighs 36 pounds so pushing her is no easy task. Plus, I enjoy taking her with me. She gets very jazzed about it. It is kind of our thing. If it were getting warmer instead of colder, I would buy a jogging stroller. If she still likes it next spring we will get one.
I decided that I am going to my appt with the plastic surgeon next week. I think that we are going to put off the surgery until next October. I feel better about the decision. My hubby's loans will be almost completely paid off by then and we will have more savings from which to draw. Plus, I can save some money between now and then. At the very least we will re-evaluate in the fall and see where we are. In the meantime, I am planning to work as hard as I can to get to my goal weight. I set it at 130, but in reality, I would really like to be 125. That would mean 17-18 pounds which is definitely going to be much harder to attain. Honestly, I could live with being between 125 and 130. I really want to see how far I can go. I never do that. I talk about how I totally dive in to the extreme of things. Well, I do not do that with fitness so here it goes. I am going to do it. I am going to also do that half marathon next year. I am going to make it a resolution. Here it goes for me. Weight today was 143.3. If nothing else, I really want to get below 140. It would be a big boost to me to do it!

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