Friday, June 4, 2010


I love the spring and summer not only for the warmth, but for the thunderstorms. I love a thunderstorm. My son is terrified of them and ends up sleeping with us if one should happen during the night, but I will love them. When I was little, my sister would tell me that the angels were bowling and that is what the thunder was. I tell my son the same thing now, but now we name the angels. There is Rita for my hubby's grandmother. (She loved to bowl.) Paul for my mother's first child who died at birth. (He, of course, bowls with the bumpers out.) Last night the angels were enjoying themselves, no doubt. It was wonderful.
I think about thunderstorms and how my life itself has been stormy. From my sister's cancer for most of my formative youth, to my pregnancy at 16, to my disaster of a self in college. It was ugly. I told my mother years ago when she cried over what I went through during my sister's illness (she does that on occasion when we talk about it) that I am happy with who I am now and if I am, then don't I have to accept the good, the bad, and the ugly. Yes, here is a lot of ugly. A LOT, but I am who I am now due to that ugly. The bad did not make me who I am. The good is just there. It is the ugly that molds you into the person you are. Here I am at 34, I am happier than I have ever been in my whole life. I have a great job, wonderful amazing co-workers, a nice house, a sensitive, smart, handsome and intuitive son who will be a great man one day, an very intelligent, beautiful, sassy daughter, and I am absolutely and completely in love with my husband in every way possible. I have a great yard to garden in too, and I am physically able to get up and go to the gym every day! What more could a woman want? I have also somehow found the ability to live more in the here and now which is something I thought would never happen. I was focused for so long on yesterday and then what tomorrow might bring. I am tired of waiting for tomorrow. I want to enjoy life now so I do. I get up at 4:40a to go to the gym each day or get up at 5:40a to walk or run on the weekends. I work 8-9 hours a day, spend time playing with my children after work and on the weekends, and also manage to spend real quality time with my husband. Some nights we do not even turn the tv on any more. Our relationship is even better than it was when we were 20 in every way even physically. I am just thankful each and every day to have the life I have, and honestly if all else went away tomorrow, as long as I have my husband and my children, I am fulfilled. I need them. The rest of it is just icing.
I am day 7 of non-stop workout days. Tomorrow is an easy day and I am looking forward to just walking. Hopefully my weight is reflective of working out each day. Monday will tell the tale. I just want to be 145 or below on a Monday. Need to work at that this weekend then!

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