Friday, June 25, 2010

Mixed news again today.

Well, the jardale pumpkin flowered again today with two flowers. I hope both were fertilized. I left it to nature this time. The one I fertilized myself earlier this week looks GREAT. It definitely took. It is not on the best place on the vine and there is another female flower right next to it. I am waiting to see how it does before I cut the other female off. Despite the vine borer, the vine itself looks amazing. It is a nice shade of green and still growing like mad. The regular pumpkin has a nice sized pumpkin on it. It is about 8-9 inches long and 4 inches in diameter. I am pleased. Some of the female flowers on it, though, have bad fruit so I am cutting those off. Most of the others look good. The vine itself is still growing. I estimate that the vine is about 20 feet in lenght with a myriad of shoots. I should get a good haul out of it. There are no vine borers in it too which is a good thing. The watermelon is a nice sized. We will likely harvest it late next week. My big moon pumpkin flowered a female flower today too. I am not sure if that vine will make it, but I was pleased regardless.
I never realized how large martian tomatoes get. The largest one is HUGE. I read that they get up to 12-16 ounces. I estimate that this one is already a pound. I cannot wait to harvest it and see how it tastes. The crazy thing is that it is not even red yet. My cayennes are finally getting red--well some of them. I have a lot of people waiting for cayennes which is helpful since I have a ton. I harvested some bell peppers today too. I will likely harvest another one tomorrow. No reason to buy any at the grocery store this weekend!
I missed the gym this am. I am a little under the weather. My son's cold had taken hold. Weight is holding steady at 143. I plan to walk tomorrow am anyways since the weekend walk or run is what I really look forward to all week. It is just so peaceful and nice to be out that early in the am. The world has yet to wake up. I love every moment of it.
The longest day of the year has come and gone. It is my favorite day of the year. I hate when the days get shorter. I need to move to the equator!!!

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