Sunday, June 6, 2010

Happy birthday to my brother-in-law

Today is my brother-in-law's 46 birthday. Now that is getting up there. I adore my brother-in-law. He is an amazing person and just a generally nice guy. He seems very happy in his life and with my sister. I am glad for him. He deserves a good life. I think he has found it. My sister turned 43 3 days ago. That is hard to believe. I always think of my sister as 21 so I should not find it annoying that everyone in my family still thinks of me as 12. (That was the age I was when she was 21.) I find the 12 year old plague annoying, but I guess I get it.
I wearing my bikini top today. Shocking, I know. The top looks ok. It is the bottom I have issues with so I am wearing my crop jeans. It is actually kind of nice to wear it around. I am not sure that I will do it again. My breast actually look half decent in it.
This Friday night is likely going to be another night without the kids. Kind of scary that we will have two nights like that in a 30 day period. Not sure how to handle that. My husband goes for him 12 week post vasectomy draw on Friday. That should be interesting. Hopefully, he is clear.
The jardale pumpkin is still clumped. I do not understand that plant. It is clumped more like the squash. Hmmmm...I wonder if the jardale pumpkin is more closely related to a squash plant then the regular pumpkin. (just for you true pumpkin enthusiasts, my pumpkins are not pepo so they are not true pumpkins so yes, they are squash varieties. And for those non pumpkin enthusiasts, true pepo pumpkins are actually berries!!!) My regular pumpkin is taking over which is a good sign. To my shock, my big moon pumpkin (the giant variety) is growing well now too. Whatever attacked it earlier is gone thanks to a little insecticidal soap (I hated using it, but I had to.) I am surprised to see it producing buds and generally growing well. I hope it continues. Maybe we will get a giant pumpkin after all. I am not greedy. I do not need anything HUGE. A nice 30-40 pounder would keep me happy...

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