Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hot days are here.

I am hoping and praying for rain at this point. I do not get how it gets this hot, but it does not rain. Not even a random thunderstorm or anything. I was hopeful this am when it was cloudy, but nothing. The garden is dry and I am tired of watering. The good news of the day is that I do have three jardale pumpkins growing. That could be easy to do for all I know so it might not be a big deal, but I get super jazzed about it. I love the idea of growing pumpkins that are not popular with most people. I like the way the jardales look too. They are more tomato shaped than anything else. They look pretty cool.
I am fighting a cold and it is tough to feel sexy when you are fighting a cold. I feel somewhat out of it. I still went ahead for my workout this am. I did it today with the leg weights on. I still got my 5k done in under 45 minutes. I weighed 143.1 today which is the least I have ever weighed on this scale. It feels really good. I just hope to keep from gaining weight over the weekend. If I can hold it, I might hit 142 by the middle of next week which would be good. I have about 8 weeks until my anniversary. I doubt I will be able to make 130 by then, but these days I am just hoping for 135. That means 8 more pounds which I think is doable in general and within my time table. I just have to make it to the gym each day. My portion control has been a lot better so that is helping.
Off to take some Zicam....

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