Saturday, November 17, 2012

Ready for the next challenge and looking for a plan

I am ready to do it. I am ready to run a marathon...well, next year that is.  I was very afraid of the idea of it after the difficulties I faced in the half last week, but I brought my mind back to why I decided to run the first half in the first place.  Fear.  I did not want to be afraid and if I was afraid, I still did not want that to hold me back from doing what I want to do.  I want to run a full marathon.  I really do so I am searching for the right full marathon.  I am using the wrongs of the half and looking at those to see what the best marathon would be for me.  I will make a decision soon.  I plan to continue to run 20-25 miles a week so I plan to stay in half marathon shape so I will not need to make up any work there.  I have had a good week.  I did full workouts every day but Mon and even did a short workout that day.  It is a good week.  This next week will be awesome!  I love my Thanksgiving plans.  It is a great day!  I bought my bottle of shiraz today. 
This week I learned a lesson through someone else.  I heard a friend talking about how stressed she was about getting the perfect outfit for a fun event.  Her stress was totally killing the joy of the event.  It reminded me again that life should be fun not stressful and that I have a tendency to take the fun out of life.  So sad.  Why do we as woman do that?  Is it because we are so stressed about trying to take care of everyone else that we cannot focus on the fun of doing things?  I am tired of stressing all of the time about everything.  I want to find more joy and fun in life.  It was a good kick in the pants for me!

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