Thursday, May 24, 2012

Here are 25 things you do not know about me

I see other folks do these on their blogs so I figure it is my turn...
1.  My favorite color is yellow.
2.  Broccoli is my favorite green.
3.  I did not start running until I was well into my 20's.  Before then I always said, "The only time I run is when chased."
4.  I would rather eat peanut butter than anything else in the world.
5.  I lived in the same city for the first 18 years of my life.
6.  I would love it if my best friend from high school and I became close friends again.  We sort of fell off after my freshman year of college, but trade Christmas cards now.  I miss her even now.
7.  Speaking of best friends, my two best friends both have names that start with the letter A!  How funny is that!
8.  My favorite season is summer.  I like it hot!
9.  I love the beach.
10.  I lost the weight I gained in college and young adulthood because my OB/GYN told me I would not have healthy pregnancies otherwise.
11.  I have lost over 70 pounds and maintained that weight loss for over 7 years and through the birth of two children.
12.  I own over 60 pairs of shoes.
13.  I like to wear halter tops because I feel sexy in them.  I do not like the attention they get, though.
14.  My favorite household chore is laundry.
15.  I can still fit into the dresses I wore at both my junior and senior proms.  The junior prom one is a size 4!
16.  I love cats but no longer believe in having pets in the house.
17.  At one time, I had 3 cats, 1 snake, and a rat.
18.  I met my hubby when I was 19.  We have grown up together in many ways.
19.  I work in television on the business end. 
20.  I have the most wonderful boss in the world.  He is a great leader.
21.  My favorite flower is an Iris.  They look pretty and smell like candy!
22.  I played with Barbies until I was 14.
23.  At 36, I still have a very active imagination.
24.  I prefer to be outside doing things than doing anything else.  That is probably why I like the warmer months so much!
25.  I love running because it strengthens my body, makes me feel strong and gives me time to think inwardly!

How is that for 25 things!  My hubby probably learned a few things about me...

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