Saturday, February 25, 2012

You send your hubby to the grocery store

And he is gone for over 2 hours. How does that happen? Men. They can never find anything. They open a cabinet and ask where the milk is. The answer is always the same. Right in front of them. Crazy.
I hit 134.5 this week. I jumped from the 137 to 134 this week. How? I rarely stop moving. That is the trick on the weekends. I am sitting down now relaxing, but I am about 5 minutes away from doing my front planks and then folding some towels. I feel good. I am well on my way to a bikini. The pole fit class is out for now for reasons beyond my control. Maybe I will catch up with the class early April or maybe even late March. I am on the other end of my cycle (getting ready for my period) so not really feeling all that sexy right now, but I am still very much looking forward to my Sat night bath tonight. I have not had one in the last few weeks. How relaxing will that be!
Tomorrow is the Daytona 500. We are having a bit of a party here at the house. What do we say on race day? I always ask the kids. My daughter knows the answer. "Go Kyle Busch!" My son then yells, "No, Jamie MacMurray." That is fine with me. I am happy that he has a driver that he likes and has met and Jamie Mac seems like a nice gentleman and a responsible one at that. Looking forward to race day!

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