Monday, February 13, 2012

Last day of

Physical therapy. I am very thankful to him for the work he did on me, both emotional and physical. I feel great! I am still dealing with the chaffing from rowing but that is not an issue he can clear up. I have to take care of that one myself.
Is it is any wonder why people hate Valentine's Day? If you are single, it has to be just a reminder of all of the wonderful couples out there. I am not a fan because of the candy. I say that and I am the one who made little candy bags for my co-workers. I just want to create a good work environment, but I guess that means making people fat. I am trying not to be fat so I am avoiding candy like the plague...well, except for yesterday, but I took care of that. I threw it out. Only 10 more pounds to go until I hit my goal weight. I have 16 weeks until June 1 to lose it. I know of at least two weeks where I will not be able to hit the gym like I want to and need to so take those two out of it and make it 14. Can I lose enough each week. Right now I am losing a half a pound a week. That will put me a bit short especially with PMS put in there a few times. Not sure I am going to make it. It will be fun to try.
I keep purchasing these books about women in the process of self-discovery. Do you think that is a coincidence? Probably not. What I found out thus far about myself is that I am not just a mother or a business manager. I am still a woman with my own wants, desires, and needs. I am having fun figuring out exactly what those three things entail. I think my hubby is enjoying it a bit too. The neighbors may not exactly approve of me, but my kids will never be embarrassed nor will my hubby and I am just having fun most days. Life is short. I wasted so much of my youth. I am not wasting a second more.
So speaking of my hubby, I got him a really great Valentine's Day present. I never buy him anything for anything so I am really proud of myself this year. I know he will be very pleased and happy. It is nothing big...more just a nice gesture for him. It feels really good.
Rowing and elliptical tomorrow. I am hoping that if I can work out the chaffing maybe I can row a full 5000 meters tomorrow. Amie and I plan to walk too. I am supposed to do my polefit class tomorrow but I am up in air. Am I just scared to do the class or do I really think it is important to be with my family tomorrow? Still trying to figure that one out....

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