Friday, February 17, 2012

Amazing what engaging your hips can do.

Running is now a whole heck of a lot easier. That alone will keep me doing my hip stretches and exercises. I feel strong again and healthy. Running has been great. I ran 4 miles both Wednesday and Friday. I have not done that in ages. I love every second of it. Rowing has been great too. I have to fix the chaffing problem there, but hopefully I can work that out.
Today was 136.5. I am not getting too excited. On January 27th, I weighed 136.0. I thought for sure that next day I would break into the 135 barrier. Nope so I am not expecting it to happen tomorrow. It would be nice if it did, but I am not expecting it. What would be great was if I could stick with a healthier diet this weekend than I normally do on the weekends. Normally I binge and then undo most of the good I did during the week.
Lent starts next week. This year, I am giving up red meat (so I need a big steak tomorrow night,) beer (not that I drink too much but it will keep me from taking sips of the hubby's,) and eating after the kids. That last one will be the hard one. I eat a chicken nugget here and a french fry there. It adds up. Speaking of french fries, maybe I need to add those to the list. I need to think about that one. Fifteen more weeks to lose 8 pounds. Can I do it? I have tried to be as active as I can every moment. I would be lying, though, if I did not say that my mini heater by my desk at work is keeping me closer to my desk so maybe that will be better once it warms up. I have 3 more weeks until my birthday. I have to lose 1.5 pounds by then...maybe I can do it.
I have continued to chicken out of the pole fit class. I really want to buy this sweater dress and I made a promise to myself that I would not buy it until I went to the class. I really want it. It is the perfect mix of appropriateness and sexy. Got to go at some point then, right.

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