Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Diary of a scared, bulimic working mom?

The last 24 hours have been crazy.  I often feel suffocated.  The last 24 hours have been out of control.  I am obsessed with tornadoes.  I always have been so I find it ironic that I feel like things are whirling around me out of control and that is everything.  I feel suffocated by it too like I cannot breathe anymore.  I keep thinking that I have to take control somewhere at some point, but that never seems to happen or it seems like any attempts I make at that, just fail or are short lived. 
The realization that the bulimia is back is hard.  I am having a difficult time dealing with it right now.  I made it through yesterday without purging, but I was not binging at all and there was not really a point for me to binge so there was no trigger.  I wanted to binge, but I was able to hold off.  My head was so foggy today that I did not warm up for my speed run like I normally do.  I just jumped into 8 mph right away.  Normally I do 6mph for a half mile.  Not today.  I just was not thinking right.  Ironically enough, Duran Duran's Ordinary World is playing on my iPod right now.  I hope I can find that ordinary world.  I just do not know what happened in the last 9 months other than life so is it life that has me messed up.  Why now?  I keep asking myself that. 
138.9 pounds.  Better than yesterday so I will take it.  I hit my workout today and yesterday so I am happy.  I will not miss tomorrow since it is a gym day with my BFF.  If I can just keep control of the exercise then maybe I can weather this.  I keep telling myself that.  I hope it is true. 
Fingers crossed that today is another day of recovery and no binging or purging.  I am too old to purge.  My throat is still not quite back to normal.  It will be tomorrow, thankfully.

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