Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Flu vaccines and the flu

My son got the vaccine.  We all did.  Now he has the flu.  I find that so frustrating.  Will it keep us from getting him the vaccine again?  Not at all, but it is still annoying.  I had a meltdown the other night when he was so sick and just thought about how kids die from the flu.  I prayed that he get better soon.  I believe he is on the mend today.  I made a promise with the prayer and a promise that requires I put aside some pride so I have to work on that this week. 
I have found a more simple way to avoid my compulsion to eat when food cravings hit or I get bored.  I got the idea from a place that I never expected to visit, but the advice has been helpful.  I kept my diet to 1250 calories yesterday.  IF I keep it up, I expect to be down to 130 by my birthday. birthday.  Another year older.  I know rationally that it is better than the alternative, but 37 sounds so old.  So old.  I wasted away the best part of my youth.  It is just so frustrating.  I am definitely making up for lost time now, but those years I will never get back.  I have been thinking a lot about my mom lately.  There are so many parallels between me and the main character of a book I am reading.  She was raised by a critical, unloving father.  My mother was very much the same.  It is hard to ever feel good enough at anything when the idea of perfection is the goal. She made that our goal.  It was be perfect or go home so to speak.  Tough to love yourself when you are trying to live up to an impossible standard.  By trying to live up to that standard herself, my mother denied herself so much.  She still does.  I believe that the only regrets you have are the things you do not do so I want to do everything.  I do not want to look back at my 30's and say "I wish I had done" this or that.  That is how I feel about my 20's.  I do not want to do that again. 
268 days until the marathon.  It seems much closer now that it is out of the 300+ days.  I have to come up with a plan of attack for sure!

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