Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Truly believe that being bored causes insanity.

Yes, I truly believe that.  I am over it.  I am tired of being exhausted.  I am tired of being at the wall physically and mentally.  I am tired of looking for things to end.  Inevitably, I end up walking or running on the treadmill which does not entertain me like I would like.  I will likely clean the floor in a few.  At least I will have clean floors and occupy myself for a half hour or so.  My son needs a bath.  That will occupy me for a few minutes getting him settled in the tub.  I need to do laundry too.  I am so overwhelmed with what I have sitting at work.  It is not even funny how overwhelmed by the thoughts of it.  Not sure how I will cope with it tomorrow.  I have to find a way to get it organized the minute I get in so I do not go nuts.  I am starting to wonder if my son is ever going to get better.  I feel so overwhelmed by this illness.  It is definitely winning the battle in this house.  I am losing big time.  Last night was especially trying.  It was endless.  He cried from 8p to 10:30p.  He finally passed out, I think from complete exhaustion around 10:45 but was back up again at 11:30p.  At that point, I just gave up and let him sleep in my bed.  So basically, the best part of my day yesterday was in the car driving home from work where I ran into Target for 5 minutes and was rushing home.  At least I was alone in my own thoughts and not listening to a child crying down the hall or dealing with kids.  Maybe part of it is the weather, but I feel like I am going from one crappy week to the next and it is really starting to depress the hell out of me.  Last week was not good at all, and this week has been worse.  When does it end?  Will it ever end?  I am at the wall.  I cannot take another trying week.  I just want to run away...far, far away.  How many times have I written that in the last few weeks.  I just want to start running and keep going.  I am already exhausted, but I figure what the heck.  I have run through exhaustion before, right?  It is a skill all longer distance runners master at some point or they do not make it through the long distances. 

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