Saturday, March 3, 2012

When it rains it pours...

Pink eye, strep throat, and a stomach virus. That is quite a 14 day period. Both kids are now fine. Although my daughter's appetite is still not quite back. This beer I am sitting here drinking is quite good. I mean quite good. I needed it. It will assist in wrecking my diet today, but I rowed 9600 meters today so I feel ok with it. I never drink anymore either.
I violated two items for lent today. I feel quite guilty. I think I set myself up by giving up so much, though. Next year I plan to scale it back and focus on one item and something major. Although, I would argue that sweets is pretty major. It took every bit of strength I had today not to drink the milkshake I got for the kids at Chick-Fil-A today.
These days are difficult for us as a family. Both kids are moody and sullen at times. My son wants to mother my daughter. He likes to parent. He will be a way too cautious of a parent if you ask me. Hopefully he will change a bit as he grows up. He is as sweet as it gets, but way too cautious. Poor guy. He worries a lot. He is definitely a little mini-me. I have let go of a lot of the worry; well, not the day to day worry I now carry, but the other worries, the silly little things.
The gym was hot today. It felt like it was boiling. I got my period and had a 3 pound weight gain overnight on Friday so I did not weigh myself until late in the day today for fear of depression from weighing myself. I weighed 136.2 halfway through the day. I can live with that considering I have my period and retain water at any amount of salt and other circumstances in my life right now.
Allan and Lucy are coming tomorrow. I hate to be ungrateful, but I am not looking forward to the visit. It is always tense and uncomfortable. I am not comfortable with my parents. I know that sounds horrible, but our past will always come between us. My mother is not comfortable with me either. She does not get me. I am not really all that difficult to understand, but she thinks I am different. I am different. I eat mostly organically and I run and I do a job that neither of parents really understand, but I am not all that different for where I live and my generation. I always thought that part of the problem is that my parents had me when they were older so there is so much about my generation that they do not understand. We are just too far apart. So much has changed in the last 30 years. That probably does not help. I worry, though, because I was 31 when I had my daughter. My mother was 32 when she had me. Does that mean I will not understand my daughter at all? Sometimes I do not understand her now as it is. Will it be worse?
I am praying that we get through the next week here. No snow on Monday and no drama. I feel like the last week has been one colossal joke. I keep waiting for the joke to end, but then part of me keeps reminding myself that I do not live in Indiana. My house is in tact. My children and hubby are safe. I know where they are. I did not get a call that they found my toddler in a field after she was ripped from my arms during a horrible storm. So what right do I have to complain about a damn thing. I keep that in the back of my mind. I said yesterday that God was trying to tell me something. I am pretty sure that I know what it was now....

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