Saturday, March 31, 2012

What do people think about when they run...

Today is Richmond's Monument Ave 10k so it got me wondering what do people think about when they run. Then I got thinking what I do think about when I run? I think about a lot of things. Last year I could only think about my knee or left leg so the luxury of just letting my mind go was not there. I prefer to be out of my head and body when I run and just let my mind wander as it pleases. So what do I think about? The kids, my hubby, whatever turmoil may be going on in that relationship, work, how to handle specific situations at work or people at work, the weather or how beautiful the world is, why I love the beach so much, and how I feel about myself that given day or time. I never fantasize. That time is more about real life. The funny thing is that I fantasize in the car sometimes about being out running on a Sunday in the heat of summer.
I told Jon the other night that people fantasize too much and internalize this facade of life that is pressed upon us by the media whether it be pictures in magazines, TV or the lives of these celebrities. None of it is real. No wonder people are so unhappy and depressed. We are constantly bombarded with the message that our lives stink and other people lead better lives, celebrities are perfect so if only we were famous too, our lives could be perfect just like theirs, and we should look perfect every minute of the day. Keep in mind, that we are not bombarded with the message that we should behave well. Oh, no. Rather, we idealize celebrities who look good not behave well. Forget behavior that goes out the window. So we are told on a constant basis that our lives are terrible and boring and can and should be more exciting and better and we should ultimately look better. None of it is real. Not one single bit. It is no wonder that we take pleasure in Hilary Duff post baby with fat thighs. It reminds us for a second, that she is like us too and got fat when she was pregnant and the weight did not "melt off" as it seems to with so many celebrities who actually hit the plastic surgeon's table within weeks of giving birth to a child.
So many people cannot handle the day to day monotony of life. Yes, it is boring at times. Boring as hell sometimes. Yes, I look terrible most of the time. I weighed 215-220 at one point In my slender, 135 body, I have excess skin that will never go away. There are seconds in my life when I think "this is my life?" And I am not asking that in a good way. Where is the spontaneity? Where is the excitement? Where is the $100,00G to spend on the plastic surgeon each year? Where is the nanny so I can sleep at night or get a much needed break from the kids just so I can eat with my husband at 8p at night? Where is the maid to clean the house and the cook to cook my meals and the personal trainer to get my butt out of bed? None of these things exist in the real world for 99% of people out there, but the fantasy world will have you believe that you can achieve the total fantasy without those things.
So why is thinking when you are running so important? I believe most people are so caught up in TV and the media that they never take time to think. How can you think when you are watching TV or on in the internet or playing some stupid crappy app on your iPhone or iPod? You cannot and you are not. People these days have to constantly be entertained and occupied and no one just sits and thinks. Running forces people to think. Certainly, most runners have the background of music going, but you think through that. It ends up being just background noise to your mind, more something to calm you and keep you going and help your body keep working as your mind wanders off on a tear. So I give runners credit. I believe that they think more than other people who spend their time constantly needing to be occupied and entertained. I plan to run tomorrow. What might I think about? No doubt as this is my first solo run of the season that I will bask in that peace. I will think about the coming of spring right now and my garden and how busy we are this month and how much I love and enjoy running. And maybe I will think about that tummy tuck I have planned for 2016. Even I am not immune, but my life is pretty fabulous as it is, I believe. Yes, I have those seconds where I wonder about my life, but would I ever even in those seconds change a thing. Hell, no. My life is way better than most, and my reality is better than anyone's. Yes it is challenging at times, but I have too many moments that are precious and wonderful and fabulous and match any fantasy any day to give up on this life. It is a good life, and I would not change a thing. Well, maybe I would have more time to run.....

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