Thursday, June 7, 2012

Right now it is all about what goes in my body

Alcohol is pretty much out and fatty, sugary food is too.  Because of that, I have developed some weird habits.  It is nothing dangerous or unhealthy, don't worry, but people pressure you to eat crap all of the time.  I am doing my best to work through that.  Why do we do that?  I do it too.  Almost every time I go to Target at lunch, I come back with a bag of candy for my staff.  I never eat it.  I cannot so why do I feel the need to do it for them?  Part of my continuation of that habit is that I have done it for so long, I hate to stop, but why do I feel the need to feed others junk food?  Why do people feel the need to press it one me.  I get the "but you can eat it because you are thin" comment.  Yes, I am thin, but why do you think I am thin?  Because I do not eat like that.  Right now I am training for a half marathon and am terrified of something going wrong whether it be missing a week of my long run or my IT band finally tightens up beyond my threshold of pain.  Every time I put food in my mouth, I now think about how it will benefit me running.  I weigh less more consistently than I did a month ago now and I am sure that is because of the change in my habits.  I might even break into what my weight was the week my hubby was gone in March when I hit my lowest for the year.  I only have a half pound to go.  Tomorrow's dinner is a Reese's cup blizzard.  That is my one allowance of something unhealthy for the month.  I will be on veggies all day tomorrow after breakfast because of that....
Running is going well.  I am very proud of the run I did on Sunday.  It felt good and was almost half marathon length.  I feel strong and I am feeling definite changes in my body.  I am getting there.  2.5 more months to  go.  I cannot wait to see the changes that happen over that period of time. I wish I had decided to this sooner.
So I decided to sign up for a dance class in the fall.  It is once a week.  I always wanted to be a dancer but could not for convenience reasons for my parents.  I love to dance so I am going to start with tap and if that goes well, maybe I will switch to ballet.  Life is short and I am going to be 40 at some point.  I may as well start working on my dream.  I will never be a professional dancer, but I can learn to dance.  It will help with my flexibility too and strengthen  my legs.  I may hate it, but I am going to try it.
Beach Tif comes out tomorrow.  I cannot wait!

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