Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Magic hour

Most people feel that sunset is the Magic Hour.  I beg to differ.  I think it is sunrise.  It is my favorite time of the day and that comes from a former and recovered night owl.  There is nothing more wonderful than watching the light come up and the world wake up.  The sun is often purple or red.  It goes through so many shades before it ends up it beautiful yellow.  I love the color yellow.  It is happy and reminds me of all things good and wonderful.  I am dying to get going on painting our bedroom a very deep and bright yellow.  The hubby may hate it, but I am going with it.  I want a hot, sexy, and fun color for the room we spend out nights in.  I think we deserve it.  Speaking of changing the bedroom, I am getting new sheets and a new comforter.  I am not going too girly.  I want more fun and bright with some sexiness thrown in.  The hubby and I have been through a lot over the last few years.  Lord, we have been through a lot since we met 17 years ago.  It is time for us to take our happiness and fun and surround ourselves in it.  I am hoping that he and I are entering a new phase of understanding about each other and our marriage.  The last few years have been some of the most wonderful and also some of the most tumultuous.  I do believe that we love each other quite a bit, but something holds him back from digging all in and something holds me back from believing the depth of his love.  I keep hoping that maybe we can bridge that gap.  I am hoping that now is the time so I want to surround us in happiness and fun.  We only have another 60-70 years together.   We need to live it up because in the scheme of things, that really is not a long time. 
My poor daughter is very ill.  She is so hardy that it is very tough for me to watch her be this sick.  She will not allow me to leave her side and that is not like my Miss Independent there.  She goes in and out of sleep quite a bit.  I am hoping that the sleep will help her to recover.  She woke up and told me, "Mommy, that is a pretty dress."  I am wearing a tank top and yoga pants.  Her dreams must be working overtime right now.  Poor thing.  I hope she is better soon.
Tomorrow I will see the magic hour again as I row at the gym.  What a breathtaking sight it is.  102 tomorrow, but the summer is worth it. 

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