Saturday, July 30, 2011

Keep thinking about where I was this time last week

I was most likely on the beach about now trying to tear the kids off of it so we could go get some ice cream down a few streets further. It sounds silly since I know that there are prettier beaches, but I still miss it and want to be there desperately. It certainly makes me want to save more dough so I can go back early and often. It is just a more exciting life there. I can certainly, though, in the meantime do things here to make life a little more exciting. Perhaps. We will see. I just wish we were starting vacation rather than ending it. The funny thing is that I was so leery about going. I worried about leaving the house and who would feed the cat. Pretty amusing and all isn't it!
145.3 today. Started some of my jumping exercises today. Gracious. I am going to be sore tomorrow.

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