Monday, July 4, 2011

We had a great day....

It was a super way to spend sometime together...I have to admit that I am a bit of a fan of the Fresh Beat Band. The show is cute and I think the singing and dancing. I do not like the new red haired chick. The old one was really pretty. Oh well. Things change.
Speaking of change...lord do I ever hate getting old. We went to a water park today. The kids loved it. It made me feel old. I was thinking back to when my husband and I lived in Williamsburg. Why the hell were we working at a restaurant instead of hanging out at a water park all day working there getting sun and staying fit. How stupid we were. It would have been a much better and probably positive lifestyle for both of us. Being there today made me think of how much time I missed out on in college by being a miserable person in general and working in the restaurant only added to that. Rather than getting me out amongst kids my own age and maybe adding to who I was as a person, I wasted my time hanging out with townies who were negative, unhappy, not the best examples, and were not people who would help me be a better person. I missed out. So did my hubby. Living that way aged me and made me older than I was, and I was not one who necessarily needed any help with that either, trust me. I spent so much time waiting to be older as a kid that I never really lived in my youth. Now I feel like I missed out on so much. In some ways Jon and I still live like that so today we broke out of our shell a bit and did something completely spontaneous. Never ever before would we have woke up and had breakfast and then decided to take an hour plus road trip to go a water park without a lot of planning first. It just never would have happened before. Never.
I am tired of feeling old and tired. Some days I am so tired. I am over it. I want to feel young and energetic. I felt younger around Christmas when I was rowing on a daily basis. I want to feel that way again. I love running, though. I hope to have found a way to incorporate both. We will see how my new schedule works out. The am runs are getting tougher as it gets hotter each day even first thing in the morning.
I just find it so sad that it has taken me so long to find the best version of myself. If I had found her a decade ago, certainly life might be different, but then again, maybe not. I would never want to change all of the wonderful things about my husband, my kids, or my job. Life is funny.
My largest tomato plant has fallen over. I staked it so I hope it makes it. It has the only tomatoes I will eat on it. The other plants are cherry tomatoes which I will not eat. (Although they are quite plentiful.) Gardening is tough work and so disappointing when a plant falls over and dies so I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Wondering what spontaneous thing we might do next week....wondering if that will happen. For now, my only goal is to get to the gym each day and to row 12,000 meters this week. We will see.

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