Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Was humbled in a big way today.

I found out today that my daughter's preschool teacher lost her house. I knew that her husband was laid off a while back, but I had no clue about her house. They have moved, of course. It was a humbling moment for me here as I sit in my nice house with my nice job and breast implants and all of the other things I have day in day out that I take for granted. We also had a gentleman come into work. I will not get into what he was there for, but he had to pay me some money so he could possibly work for us. I was very judgmental of him before, but seeing him there and he was so polite and he could have been a real jerk...well, it just reminded me that I need to think about others a little more and a little less about myself. I know it is not a change that happens is more something I need to be cognizant of, but I am definitely going to work on it. I have a good life in so many ways. None of us really knows how quickly that can change. I will do my best to remember that. I am hoping that this realization will fit in well with my more relaxed attitude in general. I think it will. I got a bit stressed today, but it went away quickly. I am definitely ready to relax a little more these days in general!

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