Friday, October 15, 2010

What to do. What to do.

I guess that it is never easy to make a decision regarding major surgery. This one, unfortunately, has long term implications. You are talking MRI's, issues with mammograms, the whole nine yards. If we had a ton of money, it would not be a big deal, but thinking about how much this can and will cost us over the course of the next 50-60 years is a bit overwhelming. It could affect other things too. Breast cancer does not run in my family but I would still like to be able to get a mammogram as needed as I get older just in case. I do not know what to do and have little help and support on this decision. Just not sure what to do. If I do it, I want to schedule it now. That is the big issue and that is just because I have a specific date in mind.
I have started rowing at the gym and I really love it. The only complaint that I have is that I am getting chaffing on rear end. I thought it was my thongs causing the chaffing. No, it is definitely rowing. I am going to try different versions of chaffing creams in hopes that helps. I really love rowing an do not want to have to give it up. I actually ran a mile today. It was the first time since the runner's knee episode a few weeks ago. My knee felt good so I think I am healed. At least I hope. I plan to run a little more tomorrow. It was such a crappy week. I need an outlet from work. Running will help. For some reason rowing does not seem to clear my head like running does. The best part about my workout this am was the nice sweat stains I got while rowing. I totally looked like I had peed all over myself. That was nice....

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