Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year

Think my son is sick. He never admits it unless he wants to stay home from school, but he really likes riding the bus so he is not likely to admit to illness. Poor guy is really tired.
I do my pole fit class on Jan 17. I am pretty excited and nervous. I feel better physically than I have in a while. I just wish that the Y were a little less packed. It would help me run more. Physical therapy has been terrific. It helps so much which is why I feel better than ever. I am ready to run as much as I want to. Maybe this summer I will hit my goal of running a 10k on Sun each week. I just have to get my speed back and then I will be good to go. My leg still tightens during the runs, but it no longer hurts after. I did a 5k Monday which was great and the first time I have run more than 2 miles since November 27th.
I am starting to feel younger, sexier, etc. I just need to keep this up and eat more veggies and keep in the front of my mind the body I want. Now is the time.
I ordered my string bikinis. They shipped today. That should be interesting.....

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