Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Amazing what a good physical therapist can do

First of all, let me say that a good physical therapist treats the mind as much as the body. They make a you feel like you can do anything and at least in my experience, when you ask them "can I do this...," the answer is always "yes." Makes you feel 25 again! Their goal is to physically heal you, I know, but it is true mental healing too....at least for me. My physical therapist tells me that the sky is the limit. I will be able to do what I want physically. That is a gift and it helping to heal my soul. I no longer feel 65. I am getting closer to my actual age now which is nice. My calf is loosening a bit. Stretching and the physical manipulations he does are amazing. After the manipulation today, my right calf was completely loose. Granted, it tightened back up that afternoon, but it was loose in that moment. It hurt like hell during the manipulation, but it is worth it. I am working on hip and butt strengthening exercises now too. That will help strengthen my lower body to help me run better and put less stress on my calf. My physical therapist told me that it will give me buns of steel too. Not complaining about that....
I am doing the pole fit class a week from today. I am very nervous about it, but I am doing it. If I do not, I will regret it, I know. I do not want to not do something because I am afraid so I am going to go to the class. I am sure that I will be sore as hell the next day, but I will probably feel pretty good and maybe a little sexy. I finished my first book of the year today. That is one down for the year. I said that I wanted to hit one a month. That gets January out of the way which is good since I am sitting here typing. Today my weight is 140.2 pounds. I plan to get down to between 125-130. I would like to get there by May 1. How many weeks is that? I did buy my string bikinis. I have to say that I look better in a string bikini than a regular one simply because I do not have elastic digging into my love handles. I can live with how I look in them. We will see how I do at the beach. I am seriously thinking about getting a bikini wax this summer. Maybe....

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