Saturday, January 22, 2011

Things I miss:

1. Washing my own hair.
2. Washing my face.
3. Curling up with my hubby at the end of each day.
4. Getting an awesome buttrub from DH at the end of the day.
5. Rowing and running.
6. The feeling of leaving the gym after an awesome workout. It just made me thankful to be alive that am.
7. Laying on my side.
8. Not wearing a bra.
9. Being able to lay on my back without incredible pain shooting through my left arm.
10. Being able to take a shirt off without pain.
11. Feeling svelte.
12. Putting my hair in a ponytail.

These are little things I took for granted prior to surgery. I know that my body will eventually get back to normal but in the meantime, I have those moments where I wonder what the hell I was thinking. Do not get me wrong...I look terrific, but I do miss these things and I feel especially distant from my hubby. That is about to make me crazy. Well, that and the 24/7 bra thing.

1 comment:

Hbar said...

I miss curling up with you too. I also miss giving you butt rubs. It's easy to take those little connections for granted until they're taken away.