Friday, December 3, 2010

Good reminder this week

First of all, let me say that I firmly believe in karma. I believe that for whatever reason, things balance out in life even day to day things. I try to be careful with some things because of that.
I had karma totally bite me this week. It was actually rather amusing in a way. You definitely reap what you sow.
I have a friend whose husband is having a difficult time right now. She said to me in way that I could tell made her uncomfortable, "I do not now if I ever told you, but he has mental issues." What most friends and people I deal with on a daily basis do not know is that as she put it, I have mental issues. I understood way more than she knew. Even just being me, I never know the appropriate way to explain how crazy I am without making me sound like a complete and utter nut. It is not that far out there. I am not dangerous or anything but that is where people automatically go when they hear "crazy" or "mental issues." There is definitely more of a gray area. Yes, I consider myself to be crazy. I do. I am, and I know it. I have known it for more than 20 years. I understood what my friend was telling me about her hubby this week. I know how close I get to that line that puts me over the edge to where I cannot really deal on a daily basis. Most days I am a good two feet away from that line, but some days, I get awfully close and it scares the hell out of me so I understood what she was saying and how her hubby felt. For people like me, we walk that line each and every day hoping that tomorrow we do not fall over on the other side. It is funny in that my mother always tells me "Oh, you are fine now." Or in regards to my weight, "You will never get fat again." Sorry, Mom. I live in today. Why? Because I do not know what tomorrow holds. Tomorrow I could decide to eat a whole meat lovers pizza and start the downhill slide back over 200 pounds. Or I could fall over that line and end up emotionally helpless again. I live in how I feel today because tomorrow's ground is never quite secure. Today is what matters and today I am thin and mentally healthy and ready for the challenges a day may bring. I hope my friends husband finds his way back. It is a tough road. I have been there more than once and know at some point, at any point, I could be there again. Just enjoying living in today since that is really all any of us have...

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