Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tiffy's One Third Life Crisis the Start

I realized the other day that I am going through a one third life crisis. I know this for several reasons.
1. I am 32 years old.
2. Several years ago, I promised a co-worker and friend that I would sport a bikini again when I was 96. You do the math.
3. After giving birth to my second and final child, I am totally into taking care of my body for the first time in a long time so I don't eat sweets, and I work out almost every spare moment I get which means I spend a lot of time running or on our stationary bike.
4. I have started having dreams about young race car drivers.
5. I am seriously thinking about coloring my hair for the first time in well, 32 years.
6. I may actually sport a bikini next summer (64 years early.)
7. I feel that I am ready for a serious change in style. If we had not just needed several thousand dollars for a plumbing repair, I likely would have started down that path already.

So here I am at 32 with two kids and a great husband and all the while, I am going through this one third life crisis. Each day I wake up and while I love my life and would not change a thing with it, I want to change me. I miss that spark I had when I was in my early twenties. Granted, I was pretty overweight then and generally unhappy, but I didn't mind being noticed and I didn't mind attention. Lately, I have been more content to fade to the back, and I don't like that. I want that spark back. I want to be young and feel young rather than feeling old so I started seriously cutting back calories and exercising like a nut. It has paid off. I have dropped 12 pounds. (I need to drop about 20 overall.) I plan to now drop another 30. The weight is melting off due to my activities which is nice. Then I bought firming cream to help with my flabby arms. That was a mistake. I am now broken out in hives from what my chemist hubby thinks are the proteins in the lotion. I had to stop using that stuff. Now, I find myself fearful that my son's coming on cold will spread to me and interrupt my work outs so I am using sanitizer like crazy.
When I told my co-workers I was going through a one third life crisis, they said that is the "in" thing right now so at least I have that going on so maybe I am getting a little hipper if nothing else.
I guess the big question for me now is should I color my hair? It is a very dark blonde. I have never colored it and fear coloring it will mean that I can never return it to its natural color. I should mention that I am pretty lazy in general so I worry about trying to keep the color up once it is colored. Everyone asks if I would go darker or lighter. I honestly don't know. I think a platinum blonde would make me look really young, but I love people with dark hair and blue eyes so I am tempted to go in that direction. I don't know what to do. How long does a crisis like this last? I have no desire to buy a fancy car or run off with a young race car driver. Well, unless it is Kyle Bush....

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