Sunday, July 8, 2012

Tiffy V 2.0 and once again have to thank Lucy

The run today was brutal.  It is hard to tell exactly how far I went, but I suspect that it was somewhere around 14.  The nike plus put me at 15.2.  I know that was not right.   Either way, I ran for 2 hours and 1 minute which is plenty when it is 85 degrees at 6 in the am.  It was ok until the sun peeked out.  That made it a bit rougher.  Thank goodness for water.  I did a new trail today.  It was interesting.  I did not feel like dropping water off last night so I just did a loop 4 times.  Kind of boring, but since I will not be familiar with the race trail come race day, it was probably a good idea to change it up.  I am glad I did it as intimidated by the thought of it as I was yesterday.  I was thinking a lot about the things I am changing in my life these days.  I am running 25-30 miles a week right now.  I am also painting our bedroom.  It is a very sunny color.  Our bedroom is going to go from a drab grey to a very sunny, lemon yellow.  Talk about a change.  We are also going out and doing more as a family.  We have been to a local water park twice and a local amusement park once in the last 10 days.  We are starting to really live life which is good for the hubby and I and good for the kids too.  Too many days spent worry about how the day will go or what will happen when we get home or which kid will have a fit or if I will be tired the next day.  The crazy thing is that the more I do, the more energetic I feel and the more I want to do in general.  I have to thank Lucy for a lot of this.  Two pivotal conversations with her, the one where she said that she used to have so much joy and then the other where she said that she hated her life, changed my life for the better.  I was always afraid or worried about 10 steps ahead.  I still worry and I still get afraid, but I do not let it stop me which is why on Wednesday, we went to an amusement park after I ran almost 8 miles with my BFF and the I came home and took down wall paper and why today I was able to get through 2 hours in the heat.  I was terrified of running that far in this heat, but I did it. In my new favorite song, there is a line that says, "we will live life til we're dead."  I realized that I stopped living life somewhere in my late teens.  Fortunately, how you live life is a choice so here I am back living it again in my 30's.  That is the joy of being 30-something.  I can do what I want and have to answer to maybe aging is not too bad after all! 

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