Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Pumpkin season

Here I am in pumpkin season and I thought I had only one pumpkin.  I had to take care of that myself.  Pumpkin sex.  Really it is not that different from people sex.  Anyways, nope, I found another last night, and it is bigger than the female I helped along.  Two pumpkins which is good since I have two kids.  Ok, I am hoping for more pumpkins, but at this point, I will take what I can get.
That illness I had really wore me down.  I had no idea until I got better exactly how sick I was before.  I did not run my full 14 on Sunday.  I just could not.  My body was shutting down and it was extraordinarily humid.  Now I have run in humid weather before, but never that sick.  I listened to my body for once and stopped after 7.2 and walked the rest of the way home which was still going there directly 3 miles!  So on to 14 this Sunday.  I am ready.  It will be a good one.  My BFF and I killed it today on our 4 miles.  Our first 2 miles we did in 17 minutes.  I was pretty happy with that.  I feel ready for the half marathon.  Honestly, I cannot help but be a little proud of how my husband describes the results of these runs.  I will take it and I will happily take those comments coming from him.  Sometimes it is the motivation I need when I want to stop in the middle of a run.  Whatever helps.  Maybe my BFF and I were inspired by the new Ryan Hall commercial.  He runs like he is floating.  It looks effortless.  I feel like a rhino running.  Sure it is purposeful but it is also lumbering.  That is how I feel I run.  I am down to 131's pretty regularly.  3 more pounds.  I cannot believe that I wrote that.  It is amazing what long distances will do to your weight and muscles.  Just amazing.  I love it!  So today, I am thankful for the ability to run and the ability to run longer distances, something I never thought I would be able to do! 

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