Saturday, April 17, 2010

Been over a year. A lot has changed. We have gone pretty much organic. I wish I had kept a blog about that change. I dropped 5 pounds from that alone. I credit Jillian Michael's Master Your Metabolism for our change in diet. I read it and it changed my life. I am loving the benefits. My periods are easier and shorter and I am much less hormonal. That enough is reason to keep with the organics. I am also off the pill which helped Jon and I decide it was time for permanent birth control. That deed is done and we are one third through the wait period before his first draw. Hopefully, he will be clean. My marriage is better than ever in EVERY way. My daughter is still a loon. I love her to bits, but Lordy, she can make you CRA-ZY. We get eachother, though. That helps now. My son is as sweet as ever. We are lucky to have him.
Here is my plan now...and yes, the one third life crisis continues and manages to get worse...
I am going to lose the last 13 pounds. I weigh about 143 now. If I get down to 130, I am gong to wear that bikini I finally bought and get breast implants. I cannot believe that I am contemplating that, BUT after nursing my son, my breasts are basically deflated. No one tells you that will happen, but it does so for those of you who plan to nurse, just know that after you will end up with sandwich bags that are totally deflated. It is pretty sad. There is nothing sexy about floppy breasts, but hey, if I ever need a mamogram, I am set. Those babies will lay right up there perfectly pressed. Those are the things no one ever tells you. I am not so sure I would have done it had I known that. I had saggy, but nice breasts before.

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