Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Interesting & true

In this book I am reading, it says, "People enter into marriage with a longing that their partners will tend to their wounds & not throw salt in them.". That being said, it got me thinking about what my hubby's wounds from his youth are.  As much as I say I know people, I am having a hard time figuring that one out.  Is it related to the fact that he never dated or the way his mother made him "man of the house" or his father's absence or  the lack of support he felt growing up?  He seems so confident & put together most of the time so as I sit here, I cannot help but wonder what wound he brings to us.  I know there is one but what is it?  I am very self aware to the point where therapists comment on that like it is a bad thing so I know full well the myriad of wounds with which he has to manage each day that come from me.  But what about his...  Do I already know?  I tend to not fight fair so I might be able to identify by looking at the insults I lobb his way during fights. Tough one.  I am not sure I really know.  Need to think more.

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