Friday, April 13, 2012

Lent is over and

I gained 5 pounds from post Lent. The food was good but I felt horrible. Not really worth it in my opinion. I have lost the weight already as most of it was water. I eat out of whack one day and I retain water like crazy. Just crazy to me. I think the food also threw my hormones off. I have had some troubles that mimic what I went through last year. I am hoping it is just a weird thing and I will get my period in a week and a half on schedule. I just do not want to go through that again.
My garden is coming along. The jalapenos are growing. No other seeds have sprouted. These cold snaps we keep having are causing problems. I was so hopeful that spring would continue, but 53on Wednesday was not exactly good.
I have been very moody lately. I think it is the hormone shift. I wish that it would go away. Poor hubby has been neglected and I know feels distant from me, but he just deals with it in stride and takes it as me just being crazy me.
Why is it that the people we revere in society are scumbags who cheat on their spouses or lie or cheat? Why is that? I find it terrifying as a woman and a mom. It is a direct threat on my family and my marriage. If these people are so well thought of, there is no way that their bad behavior is looked down upon. No, rather we accept it and move it. Why are we accepting it? Why? Society is too loose if you ask me. We should expect more of people.
The weekend is supposed to be gorgeous. I am hoping that the weatherman is right. I need a good, warm weekend to get me out of this funk. Maybe that has been the problem all along. Cold and dreary weather. I am a spring chickadee after all. At least that is what my boss says.
I am back to running 15+ miles a week. I have not done that in probably a year. It feels good. I hope to continue it. It just feels right. I did not realize how much I missed running like that. Sure it is hard when I am doing it, but it gives me time to really think and I love how I feel after. Today was a 5 mile day. It was awesome. It was a shame we were on treadmills, but maybe next week the weather will be warm enough. Got my 10k on the 21st and I am ready!

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