Thursday, November 18, 2010

Amazing what a good workout does

I feel like a new woman. My day did not start off well once I got going, but we got through that and I am pretty sure (or hopeful) anyways that my children will now stay in the house when I direct them to do so. I feel a lot better now having had a normal workout...well normal as far as the first half hour. I skipped the second so I would not have to rush to get to my son's Thanksgiving lunch. I am glad that I did. The lunch was wonderful. I am so glad that I was there. My son was so excited and it was a really nice thing to do. I will definitely do it again next year.
Emotionally I feel more stable....less prone to crying which is always a good thing and less stressed in general. (And after the whole door thing with the kids this am, I could very well still be on edge but that is another story.)
My husband and I have a lot to work on. Somewhere along the way, we cease to really understand one another any more. That and well, he does not want to have to work to keep me. All a woman wants is to feel important and be wanted and made to feel that way. I never feel that way not in a deep emotional sense. Sure physically I feel wanted, but I truly feel that for most men, it could be a hole in the wall for all they care. Sometimes I give too much. I give everything that I am to work and my family that is why my am workouts are so important. That is for me and for me alone. I am proud of how hard I work. I am sure after lunch today, I will be back over the 137 mark, but I can live with that. It has been a good week despite the difficulties in my schedule. I am proud of that.

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