Friday, May 28, 2010

A week and a stomach virus later...

I got stuck with the stomach virus for most of this week. I still had to go to work because of an audit we are currently going through. Unfortunately, the illness kept my from going to the gym during a week when I really needed to go. I hope to get back on track tomorrow. I ate a ton today. Just junk. Tomorrow is a new day, though. Provided it is not raining in the am, I am going to run outside or walk. If it is raining, I plan to hit the gym. I need to get back in some sort of routine. I really hope it is not raining. I love my am walks/runs. With Monday as a holiday, it means I will get 3 outdoor walks/runs this weekend which is such a treat. I am going to see how many days in a row I can workout in the am. We will see how long I can keep it going. No drinking plans until my anniversary in August so hopefully I can go a long way.
My hubby says he wants to see how far he can take it. We both need to really work on the food portion then. That is the hardest part for both of us, but I think we can work on it together and fix our issues with portion control. Still at 145 so a little better, but not much. I am hoping to be down to 138 by the end of June. Think I can do it??
My plants are growing well. My baby bell peppers are doing well. A few more weeks and they will be ready to eat. My "big moon" pumpkin looks rough. I planted a seed of it to give myself a back up plan, but I am now leery about cutting the pumpkin out completely. The jardale pumpkin looks great as does the regular pumpkin. The loofah has turned out to be a slow grower, but it is definitely growing, and my watermelon plant has tendrils now. It is so pretty. The plant is fuzzy. I never knew that until now.
I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend. The pool opens this weekend and I am bummed that there is no bikini ready for me to wear. Still a bit too muffin toppy for that in my opinion. My abs are great--I just need to get rid of the fat on them!

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