Tuesday, May 11, 2010

And here I thought I was better.

The swelling returned with a vengeance today. My finger is about twice the size it normally is. It itches like crazy. It about made me insane at work today. I refuse to get a cortisone injection. I do not want those chemicals in me. I'll suffer. If the other finger swells, then I might go to the doc. I am almost done with one project at work and working steadily on another. I am almost done with that one too. I usually feel a lot of satisfaction when a project is done. Not this time. Neither are satisfying type of projects. I am just looking forward to next Thurs and Fri when I am out. I need a break; I am on the verge of getting burnt out.
I made it out to the gym this am. I did not get a full hours work out in since I went a little later. I did 35 minutes on the rotating stairs. (Figure it will help round my booty!) I went to bed too late last night so at 4:40a I just could not get up. I had a lot of diet soda yesterday. I think that the caffeine was keeping me up. Unfortunately, I had three today too. Hopefully, I will get to sleep by 10:30p today. I am pretty tired, but I never really know how these things will go. I need a full workout tomorrow. Got to lose weight and a lot of it. I am really determined to lose those last 15 pounds. Ok 18 as of Monday. I am not weighing myself until Monday so who knows where I am today. The good news is that it is going to be warmer tomorrow, and it will be in the upper 70's here this weekend which is halter top weather as far as I am concerned! Hopefully, I will feel better physically by then.
Did I mention how sexy my hubby is? He is quite hot. He has been making me crazy for the last 20 minutes, but he is still pretty hot. I am hoping to be a hot wife for him...

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