Saturday, May 8, 2010


I had 4 beers last night. Today I am ok for the most part, a bit hung over. I am not enjoying that feeling. It will be a while before I drink again. It was nice to let loose a bit, but frankly I don't enjoy feeling a bit off today. Tough to feel young when you are feeling a bit off...
Likely, I will not drink alcohol for a while. Tonight we are going to the neighbors for dinner. My hubby is taking beer. I will not be partaking that is for sure. I am definitely going to take a nap today while my daughter naps. It will be nice and quiet since my hubby is taking my son to a birthday party this afternoon. My son gets invited to every party out there which is nice for him, but tiresome for us. I am not complaining, don't get me wrong. I prefer to have a child who is well-liked. That is just my son. He is sweet, kind, and considerate. I tell him that he will make a lovely husband someday. He definitely will.
The garden is growing well. The loofah plant is finally growing. I was getting worried. I have one chili pepper plant that does not look good, but I have 3 other so if it dies, I will not mind too much. I am taking special care of the pumpkin vines even though they are both only about an inch or two high. I am going to see about making some row covers tomorrow. That will be an interesting experiment. I have some bugs on my irises which worries me a bit since the irises are close to the giant pumpkin. I am somewhat against pesticides so I need to figure that one out sooner or later.

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