Monday, May 17, 2010

Feeling awfully bloated.

I have not weighed myself since Friday of last week. I feel very bloated thanks to "next choice" so I am not weighing myself until I feel less bloated. I do not want to depress myself. I did, however, make it to the gym this am for my half hour workout which is all that I wanted on Mondays. I am pretty proud of that. I will be up for my regular workout tomorrow. Walking outside this past weekend was so nice and peaceful. There is no doubt that I will look forward to that each and every weekend. It is exercise, but it is just so relaxing and nice. I really enjoy it. I might do that on Friday since I don't have to get up for work and it is supposed to be warm.
I am off Thursday and Friday of this week. I really need break from work; I am definitely getting burnt out. This Thursday cannot come fast enough...I am literally counting down the hours. I love my work and my co-workers, BUT it has been very stressful and difficult as of late. I just need a break. I plan to clean, trim the hedges and work on the garden a bit.

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