Monday, May 10, 2010

Weather needs to warm up

I am having a halter top withdrawal right now. The temps went into the upper 60's so halter tops are out. It is supposed to warm up in time for the weekend. Thank goodness. My withdrawal will end then. I weight 148.5 this am. I have put on 3.5 pounds since Friday which I know is not possible. I am hoping that the weight gain has to do with the wasp sting and the flux that has thrown my body into. We will have a better idea tomorrow and Wed. I missed the gym this am. The crazy thing is that I woke up at 4:41a. I just should have gotten myself up and gone to the gym. Who cannot work a half hour workout in at least? I have to go tomorrow. I liked the way I felt at the end of last week when I was more toned from working out each day. Plus with all of the stress going on at work, I need that release. Too bad I missed my easy day. At least my run was great yesterday. I don't miss the snow, but I miss the workout from shoveling the snow. It felt good, and I think it really toned by arms.
My mother-in-law has offered to take both kids for one night next weekend. I am a bit nervous about leaving my 2.5 year old with her. My daughter is a handful and does not always listen. Plus, I am not entirely sure that the deck they are working on is completely safe yet. My hubby, of course, loves the idea and while I think it would be nice to have a night away from the children, I am not sure how I feel about it as a whole. I need to think about it.
I am praying that the rain falls tomorrow. There is a 70% chance. We need the rain. I am tired of watering my plants each day. My daughter stepped on my giant pumpkin plant. It is still a baby so she damaged part of it. It looks like it will survive. I just hope it makes it. It got down to 41 last night and it burned my jardale pumpkin. (I did not have that one covered.) I am leaving all exposed tonight. Hopefully, it will not burn my giant pumpkin plant. That might devastate me and since we are out of halter top weather, that would be a double blow...

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