Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Next race

Why is it that you finish a race and your mind is already working on the next one.  I have my first trail run on the 29th.  It is only an 8 miler which is nothing for me, but I am excited to do a trail run.  Then I have the next half in early November.  I am not looking forward to that cold am, but I am looking forward to running.  For some reason I am having recovery issues after long runs.  I did not recover well Sunday.  I was dog tired all day.  It was terrible.  Nothing helped.  I keep wondering what am I doing wrong.  Then yesterday am, I had to lay down twice because the feeling like I was going to pass out overcame me.  Something is not right so what is it?  What am I doing wrong?  I am young;  I should be able to weather these runs no problem.  A good friend keeps telling me she thinks it is iron.  I am not sure.  I need to think about it more and change a few things in my diet and see what helps.  It worries me a bit...  I just want to be strong and run well.  My dream and ultimate goal right now is to run 15 miles all at once.  I would love to do it before the year is out and the weather turns too cold for my blood.  So what is my goal next year?  The big 20.  To even think about running 20  I can do it, though.  I figure it will take 4 hours.  I want to do it and I can do it.  I just need to find the time.  Ultimately, I am ready.  Who ever thought I would feel that way?  I am worried that I will lose strength and tone in my legs over the winter.  That is what drives me to keep running through the winter.  I hope I can do it.  The cold chills me to the core.  I hate it....
I feel in some ways like the hubby and I are turning a corner, but I am not sure exactly what is around the corner, truth be told.  I keep hoping it is good stuff.  I think it is.  Life is scary.  Very scary and loving someone is one of the most terrifying things you can do.  I don't mean loving your kids.  That is the easy part.  Loving your spouse or partner is the scary thing.  It terrifies me.  I always say that these days I am rallying against that which I fear.  Hell, I rode Mach Tower and the Griffon all by myself.  I even ran a half marathon alone--trained for it alone too.  Love, though, I treat differently.  It seems like I feel ok to retreat from it.  Go figure.  I need to work on that one.  I live in fear of losing that love all of the time.  Why is that and what does that ultimately say about me?  I need to figure that one out too. 
So this weekend is 2 hours and 15 minutes.  I felt great this past weekend as I was running.  But not for some new pain in my right foot at the top, I would have done the full 2 hours and 15 minutes.  As it was, I did 2 hours and 9 minutes.  It felt great when I was running.  I felt strong and unstoppable.  I hope that feeling persists during this weekend.  I want to be ready!

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