Monday, August 20, 2012

Why are folks so miserable?

I totally understand that the economy is in the crapper and yes, my life in so many ways is a charmed one.  I have a husband who loves me and who I adore, two wonderful kids, a great job, a fabulous staff and a nice house, but my life has not been easy.  I have a lot of deep seeded trust issues that affect my relationships on a daily basis, but I choose to be happy.  Why do folks choose to be miserable?  Why?  Why would you want to wake up every day and hate your life?  Why not make the best of your situation?  We all have things that plague us and overwhelm us at times.  I understand that, but take a day to swim in it and then go from there and make changes or a small change for the better.  Everywhere I look people are miserable and want to make others miserable too because misery loves company.  So so sad....

My issue that plagues me is my half marathon.  I am going through all of the what ifs.  If I don't hit under 2 hours, I will be crushed.  Have I trained enough.  Have my miles been right in my training.  I really have no idea.  I hope they are close.  I just worry. What if I miss that 2 hour mark.  It will be so disappointing.

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