Monday, September 22, 2014

How do you handle a dress and a broken heart?

How do you handle something when your heart is a little broken?  Hear me out on this...
I have a dress that I was dying to wear to an event in two weeks.  I mean dying to wear.  I felt beautiful and wonderful in it.  From the moment I saw it on-line I knew that I wanted to wear it.  I found it at a local boutique.  I even made a trip out there with my BFF to get it which is something I have never done before and is out of my comfort zone.  I even went downtown.  That NEVER happens.  Let's go back 16 years when I was 22 and wedding dress shopping for my wedding gown.  I ended up in tears because my mother made a big deal to the sales lady about how fat I was and I would lose weight before the wedding so I should get the dress a size smaller.  It was an awful scene.  I should have walked out of the dressing room and never gone shopping with her again.  I have never felt thin, but I felt ugly and fat every day since that day.  Not the mention the fact that a woman dreams about her wedding day from the day she learns about weddings as a child.  Every woman views it as her day to be beautiful and admired.  I felt frumpy, ugly, fat and unlovable. I felt big and lumbering.  Brides are supposed to glide.  I feel like I was so big I was stomping down to stand next to my hubby. 
Back to present it turns out, due to the need to be practical so I can endure the situation at this event, I will not be able to wear this dress for the event in which I bought it.  My hubby and I never have the need to get dressed up so this dress is pretty much a waste of money now.  It is not the money, though, that is killing me now.  I am honestly broken hearted over not being able to wear it.  There is about 0% chance that I will ever have an event where I will be able to wear it so what do I do?  Do I keep it?  Do I sell it?  Having it in the house hurts because it is constant reminder of how excited I was to wear it.  (That is the same reason I threw out my wedding dress.  It hurt too much to see it and I am size 8 in formal wear now so putting it on was a joke!)  Then again, I love the dress so much that I hate to get rid of it.  Reason would say to keep it because maybe my daughter might wear it some day, but I cannot explain how I feel about that except to say that it was my dress and I could not accept her wearing it when I never got to as much as I love her. 
I know it sounds so stupid to feel this way over a dress.  I really do.  I guess I just never had that moment where I really felt beautiful when I was dressed up in this fancy dress.  I never plan to get married again so this was it for me.  By the time it is time for that again, I will be in the mother-of-the-bride dress and this type of thing will be completely inappropriate.  I would never do that to my son or daughter. 
It is the dress and the plans I had too.  I was going to get my hair done while they did my daughters.  I even thought about getting my make-up done too with false eyelashes just for fun.  Not now.
What do I do?  Do I keep it even though it is a constant source of pain or do I get rid of it which will hurt me too?  I am so confused.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Have to thank my hubby and update on peanut butter...

Still no period.  I am on day 46 of this cycle.  The good news is that I have had no bleeding in almost 4 weeks.  The bad news is that I am fearful of the period I will get once it comes, but I am without bleeding now so I am not complaining.  I got off the wagon for a while and had a semi-normal diet.  I gave up peanut butter for a week and it sent me into a spiral of crappy food.  Come Friday am, of course, I was in pain in my stomach.  Tough lesson, but a good reminder as I went to stuff a blondie in my mouth this am.  I walked a good 8 miles yesterday and will walk another 7 today.  Tomorrow is a 10 mile run and a 3 mile walk.  I just have to remember to take it one mile at a time and picture Fister running with me.  That does help!  After all, he is known to run 10 miles per day so tomorrow I can imagine he is running with me.
I have thanked a few different people this summer and a whole little league team, but I have not thanked the one person who probably deserves it more than anyone else, my husband.  Goodness know that I am not the easiest person to live with.  It is more than that.  This summer was a difficult and wonderful summer.  This summer I toed the line of craziness and depression as my running motivation waned.  I had such anxiety running after the half marathon in May and that depressed me.  My hubby had to deal with that.  Then he had to deal with the on/off and ongoing bleeding that raged all spring and summer.  With the bleeding came hormonal ups and downs that were tough for me to weather.  My hubby also financed our crazy summer of baseball game after baseball game and trip after trip.  It was a wonderful and amazing summer of fun at the beach and the lovely city of Philadelphia that I love!  We made it to two Nationals' games also.  We had trips to Williamsburg too.  It was a lovely and incredibly fun summer.  I have him to thank for that.  The other thing that I really want to thank him for is for loving me in a way that has allowed me grow and figure out what was squashed inside of me so long ago.  I have found that person who I held inside for so long.  I had not seen her in so long that I forgot she existed, but she does.  With that realization, I get to merge the two things I love about myself, the person who understands responsibility and never shies away from it and the person who just wants to have fun and enjoy living.  I forgot how fun just living can be.  I tried to kill myself when I was 23.  That is one of my dirty little secrets.  Yes, I had the full intent to die.  That is something I can never imagine now.  There is so much left for me to do and enjoy.  Life itself is fun and I do not want to miss a thing.  So thank you, Hubby, for bringing that back to me.  I would not be here without you. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Feeling out of control

My eating has definitely been binge worthy lately.  The only good thing is that I have not been purging.  At this rate, the dress I got yesterday for my brother-in-law's wedding will never fit.  I just cannot seem to stop.  Part of it is that there is food everywhere.  I need to stop and just cannot compel myself to do so.  I hate the way that it makes me feel.  That is the worst part of it.
I am terrified of getting fat and that is where those feelings lead me.